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App Service Environment V2 Step by Step

By default, Azure Web App are deployed in the multi tenant environment. Enterprise security may require to deploy their web apps in isolated environment for compliance reason. App Service Environment was introduce to address this limitation. With App Service Environment, we will be able to deploy Web App in the secure isolated environment. We have complete control on which app to expose to the external world and which one to keep totally internal. End user is responsible for managing the DNS. Azure Private DNS, Windows Server OS or third party DNS can be used to make web app accessible.   Deploying ASE: Deploying App Service Environment is quite simple, but tricky part is setting up the DNS. We need separate subnet to deploy each ASE.    1. Make sure you have a Subnet dedicated for  each App Service Environment. In this example, i have allocated ASE-SNET subent.  2.  Create a resources  "App Service Environment" 3. Choose or Create Resource Group, E