App Service Environment V2 Step by Step

By default, Azure Web App are deployed in the multi tenant environment. Enterprise security may require to deploy their web apps in isolated environment for compliance reason. App Service Environment was introduce to address this limitation.
With App Service Environment, we will be able to deploy Web App in the secure isolated environment. We have complete control on which app to expose to the external world and which one to keep totally internal. End user is responsible for managing the DNS. Azure Private DNS, Windows Server OS or third party DNS can be used to make web app accessible.  

Deploying ASE:

Deploying App Service Environment is quite simple, but tricky part is setting up the DNS. We need separate subnet to deploy each ASE.
1. Make sure you have a Subnet dedicated for  each App Service Environment. In this example, i have allocated ASE-SNET subent. 

2.  Create a resources  "App Service Environment"

3. Choose or Create Resource Group, Enter ASE Name, Choose VIP Type (External/Internal) - "Internal" was select in our example. 

4. Select Network and Subnet. Subnet needs to be Empty. 

5. Click at Create to Deploy. It will take a while, 30+ mins.

6. Wait for ready status of the ASE. 

7. Click at the IP Address  and note down the IP of ILB. We will be creating the DNS entry based on this IP address. In our case its the

8. Now, time to Create Web App inside the ASE. Provide the basic information. 

9. Configure Monitoring , tag and Create. 

10. Add Custom Domain  in the web app. 

How to Create Self Signed Cert ? 

11.  Click at SSL Binding to upload Certificate. I have used self signed cert. 

12. Upload private key.

13.Choose Cert. 

13. Apply binding.

14. Once cert is applied, SSL sate will changed to Green from Red.
With this, web app url will become, still we can't browse this, as its DNS is not define.

We can use Azure Private DNS or host the DNS infrastructure inside the Virtual Machine. I am using Windows Server 2016 to host DNS infrastructure for App Service Environment. 
15. Create a Zone with custom domain name and add the following 'A' records for the following and point it to the ILB IP address. 
a. *
b. *.SCM
c. APP (this is the name of the web app created inside the ASE)

16. Browse the web app 

17. Modify the host file with the following to access KUDOs. 
     # ILB IP pointing to the 
     # ILB IP poining to the


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